
Being Authentic > Being Polished


Don’t try to be Obama, Oprah, or a young Bill Clinton — be you.

When I give my presentation skills seminars, I put a massive emphasis on finding your authentic voice — because guess what — people connect with real people. I want to hear the girl who speaks passionately about something just as she would to a good friend, not the girl putting on a performance for her audience.

Your audience will forgive you if you’re nervous, or if you lost your wording — but they won’t if they sense you’re faking it.

Yes, there is significance in bringing polish to your speaking game, but that’s not what builds trust and connection with your audience. It’s not what breaks down barriers and humanizes you.

What does win audiences over though is when you know your material, when you’re passionate, and when you’re authentically you — so speak like yourself.

Now, go kill it ;)