
What selling film, volunteering and ceiling fans have in common.

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I’ve sold film to TV buyers. I’ve sold volunteering to big banks. I’ve sold ceiling fans to architects and building owners.

Throughout the thousands of people that I’ve met — their jobs, goals, interests and needs have often been different.

Here’s the beauty of it though. They still all have goals. They all have interests. They all have needs.

Once I recognized that — I realized that the fundamentals of selling, presenting — they’re the same. I learned that it’s about connecting with your specific audience, building trust with them and getting excited about what you do.

How do you do that? It starts with relevance. When someone feels that you’re speaking to them, that you understand them, that you care about them — that’s when trust is built. And when trust is built, that’s when people listen.

I knew that the TV buyer wanted the content that would boost her ratings, that the big bank had a corporate social responsibility to uphold, and that the architect wanted his building to be energy-efficient, aesthetically pleasing and comfortable.

Yes, your audience will often be different - but remember - they ALL have goals. They all have interests. And they all have needs. So, learn them.

Once you understand how you and your message are relevant to them, then you’re ready to sell fans, film or anything else!