Pick up the phone when you have good news

One really easy reason to pick up the phone is when we have good news to deliver.

It doesn't need to be massive news -- it can be as simple as telling your client about a new feature that they were interested in, or that their social media presence is trending 30% higher this month, or even a call to let them know that their product or service will be delivered quicker than expected.

Positive news is so much easier and exciting to deliver, so I say, let's do it more... For the sake of better relationships :)

Side note: they* say words make up 7% of our communication, and the tone of our voice, 35% -- so, even if these numbers are relatively true -- it would make sense that picking up the phone and hearing the tone of each other's voices would have a huge impact on the trust, rapport and connection we build with other people.

(*they: referring to Albert Mehrabian's famous communication model)