Networking Skills

Build Your Network


Blend of interactive teaching & role-playing activities in a fun and supportive environment.

Customized. 1 hour to 1 day.

Yours or ours.


  1. Mindset: Getting out of selling mode and into helping and curiosity mode.

  2. Body Language: Using non-verbal communication to display confidence, capability and trust.

  3. Conversations: Entering a conversation, introductions, asking questions, your pitch, and finishing the conversation – for rapport, trust and memorability.

  4. Networking Do’s and Don’ts: What to do, and not to do during a networking event.


The better our networking skills, the better our chances of building and maintaining solid relationships.

In this interactive workshop, participants learn everything from crafting a clear pitch to having an engaging conversation, so both you and the people you meet have more meaningful, productive interactions.


  • Finding a more authentic, selfless networking style

  • How to craft and deliver a concise pitch

  • How to gracefully enter and exit conversations

  • Remembering a group of people’s names

  • Building a strong rapport within shorter conversations

  • How to effectively follow up post-networking